2 min readJul 1, 2021


Hollywood,Myth Factory

Since Edison formulated his "moving pictures,concept,Movies have always had a great propaganda value,Even beforeWWI got into its biggest carnage,Hollywood had already been used,both by pro & anti interventionist political groups,to away the masses.
As the "Great War " ended,Hollywood had become the "Dream Factory of America & the world,All genres of art embraced the new medium,
Because it was a "money "maker" The cream of the worlds talent,gravitated to Hollywood,lured by big salaries,in writing,vision,even mimeThe "Illusion factory" went into full flow..But..how much of it was accurate??
Poetic license,to put it mildly,ran rampant, Good guys word white hats,black hats for the bad guys! Easily understood,for audiences,So..
No matter Gen Custer, was a martinet,who was almost cashiered out of the cavelry,for cruelty,to his own men! That he was a vain glory-hunter,whose ego & vanity,led to the destruction of both he,& his men,at the "Battle Of The Little Bighorn"..Hollywood portrayed him as a "dashing,gallent" officer! It made good copy.
Let us turn to treatment of "Black" people in movies,Western movies,How many,black cowbpys have you seen,? This in spite of the fact,that after the American Civil War,Many former slaves,migrated westward,Its estimated that up to 50% of "Cowboys" were black.But not so in Hollywood!
Of all the genres,probably historical movies,have been the most "distorted" Birth Of A Nation,while admirable,in intent,cast the KKK as heroes!
Propaganda of Iwo Jima,& the marine flag hoisting,a retake of the original event,Later exposed in detail in the movie "Flags Of Our Fathers"
Every nation on earth,has used stories inaccuratly ,to fuel or inflame the people,Media is a powerful weapon,Used wrongly,It can create a monster,or a very deluded perception,of what actually is..or was....
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CEO Pied Piper English,Article Writer,Published Poet